A Necessary Mention
The Central Committee has stood behind me and worked hard to get me elected against my Democrat opponent both in 2018 and 2022. They share the values that we hold dear. They uphold the Idaho State Republican Platform. They know their neighbors and work to keep you informed. Please see the list of who will continue to work for you and uphold traditional Republican values.
The below have gone above and beyond in helping me connect with you, my constituents and I want to give them special recognition, not diminishing the wonderful work the rest of the Central Committee is doing.
Charles Barnhard 201
Melanie Vander Feer 203
Richard Meyer 207
Pierce Duncan 303
Anita Dupzyk 308
Luke Sommer 310
Tamara Bateson 313
Sandy White 318
Terri Seymour 402
Barbara Heddon 405
Bjorn Handeen 414
Marjorie Desgrosseilliers 415
Elisha Toews 417
Richard Price 418
Don Eichler 513
Jeff Tyler 520
Doug Balija 521
Michelle Grossglauser 522
Please Consider Voting For Them